
quit crying or I'll give you something to cry about

So this is going to be short. Someday I will get up earlier, football will not be on the telescreen, and I will be organized so that I can blog more regularly. I'm currently trying to come up with a theme for my blog. Not exactly a template or look-and-feel theme, but more of a loose subject in which to talk about more regularly. Maybe I'll just road trip more and write about that. Anywho, running is going alright. I had to duck out on my 15 miles this weekend due to my left achilles starting to act up. I did 7 miles Wednesday of last week and afterwards it felt a little stressed. I pushed my next run back to Friday and did that while in Winslow, achilles still hurt but my time was satisfactory for me. Out of respect for my body and in attempt not to be stubborn I skipped the most vital run of the week, the long one. I ran my Monday run today (Tuesday) and the achilles was still sore but I'm able to run along at a decent clip.

So my question is; is this the point where you toughen up and keep running, or listen to your body and rest? I'm not really sure. If it was muscle soreness I'd say, "get to running you big pussy", but with joints, ligaments, and tendons I'm not so sure. The run today went well, time wise, and I'm going to try and break off 8 more miles tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for reading

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh boy, deja vu. :)
welcome to long distance running!

i never figured out the answers, so let me know if you do! it's such a fine line...but if you have doubts, always safer to take time to heal.

keep us posted!