
never trust anyone named hal

So in a previous post I mentioned that I was following a well researched and scientifically accurate training regimen fit for my fitness level and body style. The actual training regimen that I'm loosely following is listed here. Besides what is on the chart below, I do the following.

1. Not the Sunday cross training
2. Not the runs when my joints are more sore than average.

What marathon am I running, I think its going to be this one. Here is a quote from the description of the race.

This is one of the toughest Marathons in the United States. The terrain is rugged, the altitude exceeds a mile above sea level and the weather can be severe. If you feel dizzy, have pain or exhaustion, please ask for assistance.

Please pass the crackpipe because I have no idea what the hell I'm thinking! 


Anonymous said...

holy crap.
i don't know what you're thinking either!
but i guess it could be worse...


Curtis said...

pppsshh.. what a weak marathon. You should host one in Antarctica!

Tom said...

Your on crack....

Count me in for the local moral support brigade I will be more then happy to make sure that all of bars on Whiskey Row are safe and sanitary whilst you run you ass off.